Up for Sale!

Greetings everybody! I have this thing where I forget. I forgot about having this blog! Lord help me!

Anyhows, I have some exciting news to report! My art has really taken off! There was a call for art for a new Boutique opening up here in my little town. I have been so excited! My youngest daughter took to framing my art for me. Let me tell you right here that picture frames are hard to come by in bulk! I found some at my local Dollar General Store and pretty much bought them out. Then I had to travel to the next town east and bought the only box they had in the size I needed. Whew! And now I need MORE frames that size! Not easy to find!

So. As a result of framing and then my daughter photographing and posting to social media I gained more sales and another shop wanting my work! How exciting! I’ve met with both shop owners and left art at the Boutique. Shop number 2, a gifts and floral shop, has picked out works for her shop. Alas, if I only had frames…..I have to wait for my monthly payday on the 3rd of March. Living on a fixed income is a beast.

Never fear. I’m leaving ya’ll with the popular drawing that I’ve had to “copy”. I actually had to draw completely new pix. That way each customer has an original. 😁

Please let me know what ya’ll think. I love the feedback.

Remember to enjoy life. We only have this one.

I’m Here!

Hey ya’ll! My apologies for being gone so long. I get busy on social media and forget about here. My bad.

So. I keep myself busy otherwise with my drawing. It’s what helps me when I’m down and/or depressed. You can see my work on my Instagram account under Peabuttonsmom. #peabuttonsmom_art

My health has hit some bumps along the way. My legs began swelling. I now have to wear compression stockings. I found some super fun cute prints on Amazon. Now I can be playful with color and not look like a frumpy old lady. Big smile!

I shall do my very best to incorporate writing here into my weekly routine. I’ll leave you with a few pix of my drawings.

Enjoy! ~Bonnie

Sea Urchin’s Crown
Linear Rounds
A Flower Basket
Flower Garden
Baby Dragon

Hey Ya’ll!


I know I’ve been MIA for quite some time. I rather keep falling off that proverbial carousel of life. >sigh< Medicine changes aplenty and now faulty lab results. Faulty on my end. Waiting for an endocrinologist now. UGH!

Anyhows, I found the above link towards making blank inside greeting cards. Encouragement cards. If you follow me on Instagram then you have seen some of my index card art. I may well turn some into donated cards myself. Find me there @bbanksvalentine or @peabuttonsmom

I also have a Facebook page. Look for me there under http://www.facebook.com/bonniebanks3163.

I get confused with sharing links sometimes. If you find me please give me a shout.

I’ll leave you with a few pix of what I’ve been doing.


~ Bonnie aka Peabutton’s Mom

When Inspiration Strikes

Hey ya’ll! Did you miss me? I missed me! Sometimes I forget to put my posts here. My apologies to all ya’ll in Cyberland.

This morning I was browsing through my messenger post from #hometalk . It’s a wonderful DIY site. Anyhow, I saw a simple pumpkin wreath made with painted foam shapes glued to an embroidery hoop. That’s when inspiration struck!

Here’s my version. I had a bunch of these votive sized “snack-o-lanterns” from last year. A few I had picked up at a thrift store and the rest were given to me. I don’t suppose I spent over 50 cents.

I also already had the embroidery hoop. I always pick up the wooden ones with a good screw on top provided they are less than a dollar each. Sometimes I find them in bundles. Score!

I want to iterate (sp?) that I don’t celebrate Halloween. However, once in a while I find a cute item that I just can’t resist. I hung up last year’s ghostie I found at the Dollar Tree on my back door. Too cute!

So I guess I’m fall ready. Or at least started. I can think of all kinds of ways to still use the simple pumpkin wreath right through Christmas. I could paint them BUT I’m thinking I could wrap fabric squares around them and tuck the raw edges into the bucket. I could add leafs into the buckets. Maybe wrap burlap around the raw hoop. Just too many ideas!

So what kind of ideas would you do? Drop me a comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Morning Walks

Having a dog has been good therapy for me. It forces me to get outside and walk. I do enjoy nature (unless I’m having to walk the dog in sub zero temperatures, snowstorms, extreme heat with humidity, inclimate weather….).

Morning walks are the best. Birds are twittering. Some greet me. Squirrels and rabbits are out. Sometimes the deer come strolling through.

Even so I find myself focusing on little things that most folks miss. Lost feathers. Honey bees. Unexpected hearts in unusual places. I like to think it’s God’s way of greeting me in the morning.

So what little things help you in your mornings?

I’m Ba-aack!!!

Oh hallelujah! I have missed being active here. Did you miss me?

So I just downloaded the mobile app for reaching my site. I’m so excited! This past Christmas my kids were able to upgrade our phones and I finally got a smart one. 😁 Now with the app I can finally catch up!

Mosey cottage hasn’t changed any. It is still hard to heat and cool since there’s not anything conventional or green about it.

My flowers have suffered a bit from the major rains we’ve had. And my small jungle of house plants are on loan to a church for their VBS program.

By the way….do ya’ll follow me on Instagram? Look for bonniebanks3163.. The numbers don’t mean anything. Just some that Instagram gave me. I invite you to come follow there and catch up a bit. For sure I will now be sharing my pix here first now. Looking forward to great things!


Knock knock

Lost in my (W)Hole

Sometimes life can trow a curve ball. Or a fast ball that hits us right smack dab in the head that sends us flying. I must have been hit with both. This particular “Alice” got so lost that I couldn’t find the (w)hole at all.  Sad isn’t it? But I was still on my back. And when you are on your back you tend to look UP.

I’ve pondered for some time and after attending a wonderful writing seminar earlier today I can safely state that I have found the entrance to that (w)hole. Yay! Now for the changes…..

I have been saving photos to share since my last actual written post. I promise not to weigh ya’ll down with all that. I AM now living in Mosey Cottage. It’s become just as cluttered as my apartment was before. My grandkids are growing. My dog is ailing but hanging in there. My metal health has been withdrawn. I’ve had a couple cancer scares. No worries….still cancer free! Still participate in art shows. No sales and no awards this round. It’s all good though. I’ve made more contacts 🙂

I shall be scheduling a change. Cleaning house with my blog. A new look perhaps. New goals. Still in the Whole but more like a rabbit that pops it’s head out regularly 🙂 Fixing to “feather the nest” with my writings. I want to begin sharing more art findings and craft ideas. Perhaps have some freebies to offer in the future. I really desire to get more involved and have ya’ll more involved with me 😀

So here goes: A photo collage of a few things to catch ya’ll up with my little world.

Mosey Cottage kitchen before and after. So much better! Big thanks to the contractors!

The after on the left and the HORRIBLE on the right. I now actually have a walk in shower! And there’s a pocket for a sliding door if I ever get to it 😉

My 100+ year old high school burned down this summer of 2017.  It has been a MAJOR impact on my psyche.  My mother had attended this school as well as myself and all of my siblings. In fact, this is how it was for most of the town. And for the athletes that won so many achievements and awards…. We all still deeply mourn this horrible act started by a handful of kids.

I enjoyed an Easter feast with a cousin at my wonderful little ‘FREE’ antique enameled metal table. Scarfed this find out of a burned out trailer years ago. Covered in soot….my son in law helped to clean it and painted the legs for me!

The TV remote took me FOUR MONTHS to find after moving! THEN I discovered the TV no longer worked! Go figure :O

There’s loads more I’d love to share but time restraints and my dog won’t allow me to continue right now. UGH! Ha! Many of my close friends and family know that is one of my favorite pre-historic words! Ugh. LOL!

So in an attempt to stay current I will end by saying “Catch ya’ll later!”

I’m looking forward to great things! Ya’ll help hold me to it, ok? 😀

Enjoy life…it’s the only one we have!

DIY Dog Bed – Super Easy NO SEW

I realize this is an older post but I find it to be one most refreshing. I LOVE this pillow! I’m seriously thinking about making some for MY bed! I wonder how double knit fabric would work? I acquired a HUGE amount not too long ago. All new fabric, vintage too! AND instead of just using a pony tie of elastic I might wrap it with crochet cotton (since I AM an avid crocheter) and then sew it in place. Hmmm…..I just may have to try this today!

luigi & me

Yes, you read that right… a DIY dog bed anybody can make!

Looking for a fun project to do if rainy days and Sundays always get you down? Made a dog bed this weekend and Luigi loved it. Took me about an hour with a glass of wine. You? probably a little quicker. So here we go, an easy to make DIY dog bed… yes with no sewing involved!

DIY dog bed3

You will need:
1)      Pair of scissors
2)      2 squares of t-shirt or polar fleece fabric ( depending on how big you want your dog bed to be, I used 1 m x 1 m square of fabric).
3)      A few needles  to pin the fabric together
4)      1 elastic
5)      Stuffing or clothes you no longer wear
6)      Dressmaking pencil to trace the fabric.


1)      Fold both squares of fabric in 4. Pin the fabric…

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