Timeless Encouragement

cast your bread

Here we are between holidays and I am finding myself cleaning out my emails. Sadly there are a great many pages of unread emails from two years ago! One such email I want to share with you. I find the words of this blogger to be as fresh for me as if she had written them yesterday. There can always be a renewal, a regeneration, if you will, of reading words with a fresh approach. Much like re-reading a well loved book. You always enjoy it and every time you turn a page you find a renewing of the words.

The words of this blogger left me with a realization for my life. I feel so much of the time that I have so very little to share. But when I share with others then we are both enriched and have more than when we started. In compliance with the words of that email I do believe my word for this new year to come is “SHARE”. I must do more sharing in 2015. Much more sharing than I ever have. And that sharing begins here.



Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas to all who come across my little blog and blessings abundant I pray for you!

10 ft tree in a 12 ft ceiling

10 ft tree in a 12 ft ceiling

I was lamenting earlier this evening, the eve of the Eve, about the fact that to many I am just an old lady. Lamenting because I have been feeling the loneliness of the elderly. Thus far this year I have not been to a single party. I have not yet tasted any of the Seasonal foods and sweets except for a small bit of store bought fruitcake. Yeah, I’m one of those odd people that LIKES fruitcake. I haven’t had occasion to dress in festive clothing. I could dress up here at home but my dog really doesn’t care and I really don’t want to clean the dog hair off the good stuff. I’ve wrapped a handful of gifts and bagged the rest. Made loads of items that I just didn’t have the energy or desire to wrap. Haven’t decorated. All the bagged gifts are hanging out of my bedroom closet. And to top everything off I’ve been under the weather. >sigh<

In my melancholy I’ve had much opportunity to watch the world hustle and bustle along, all in a frenzy, over-spending and over-eating and some even over-drinking. I watch at how the “Christmas” shows on TV are now considered “holiday” and how so many of them don’t point to the real cause of Christmas. Save Charlie Brown. But he was tucked away on odd nights when most people wouldn’t watch.

I watch. And then I began to marvel. What would the world have done if Jesus had not been born at that time, or even at all for that matter? I wonder what concoction or abhorition would have been devised to occupy people’s minds. Christmas is a HOLY day. It is celebrated world wide, warm and cold weather, regardless of belief.

I shan’t get “preachy”. Don’t you just despise “preachy” people? I will just sit back and watch the world go by. Later in the morning, for it is Christmas day now, I will load up the car with all the bags and gifts and begin my trek about two counties delivering presents to friends and family and to many who can’t get out. I come in my red car. Can’t say I will be wearing a red suit but I will dress up for the occasion. Santa comes in all forms don’t you know.

Do you have an elderly friend or neighbor? Why not consider a brief visit with a plate of cookies or even a plate of your leftovers? (Many times I’ve been THRILLED to get my daughter’s leftovers….).  Share your festive spirit with others and don’t forget to wish them a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Let’s Write!

Many years ago I had a pen pal.  Since my youth I have enjoyed writing letters and sending cards. But a few years ago I went through such a dark time in my life that I wasn’t even getting junk mail! It was a horrific feeling, to not even be recognized as an “occupant”. With this said I invite you to read the following forwarded post and at least consider mailing out those Christmas cards. It doesn’t matter if the recipient gets it “on time”. It matters that somebody thought enough to write.


Postcards, Letters & Love Notes