Up for Sale!

Greetings everybody! I have this thing where I forget. I forgot about having this blog! Lord help me!

Anyhows, I have some exciting news to report! My art has really taken off! There was a call for art for a new Boutique opening up here in my little town. I have been so excited! My youngest daughter took to framing my art for me. Let me tell you right here that picture frames are hard to come by in bulk! I found some at my local Dollar General Store and pretty much bought them out. Then I had to travel to the next town east and bought the only box they had in the size I needed. Whew! And now I need MORE frames that size! Not easy to find!

So. As a result of framing and then my daughter photographing and posting to social media I gained more sales and another shop wanting my work! How exciting! I’ve met with both shop owners and left art at the Boutique. Shop number 2, a gifts and floral shop, has picked out works for her shop. Alas, if I only had frames…..I have to wait for my monthly payday on the 3rd of March. Living on a fixed income is a beast.

Never fear. I’m leaving ya’ll with the popular drawing that I’ve had to “copy”. I actually had to draw completely new pix. That way each customer has an original. 😁

Please let me know what ya’ll think. I love the feedback.

Remember to enjoy life. We only have this one.